Give your leaders the tools for success!

New and experienced leaders will gain tools and develop their leadership skills.

  • 8 month Leadership Development program
  • Meets monthly for 2 days at a time in Rapid City
  • Plus 4 one-on-one coaching sessions with Connie Schroeder
  • Deadline for registration: September 1, 2024


A business training session facilitated by a woman shown from the chest area down.
  • Start with Why (Your personal values & mission)
  • Create your Personal Growth Plan
  • MBTI – Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment (with Assessment) 
  • Generations in the Workplace
  • Leadership Styles (with Assessment)
  • Stress Management & Resiliency
  • The Importance of Attitude
  • Understanding your Belief System
  • Conflict (with Assessment)
  • Networking
  • Finding your Why
  • Communication (with Assessment)
  • Decision Making
  • Emotional Intelligence (with Assessment)
  • Time Management and Productivity 
  • Trust
  • Building High Performing Teams
  • 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
  • Influence and Power
  • Enabling Others to Succeed
  • Public Speaking
  • Effective Feedback (Giving and Receiving)
  • Difficult Conversations
  • Motivation
  • Talent Management
  • Innovation
  • Crisis Management
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Change Management
  • Strengthfinders
  • Everest Leadership Simulation
  • Paper Airplanes – Leadership Simulation

$5000 per person
(Minimum of 6 participants per class)

Why Train Your Leaders?

It is important that you have effective leaders in your workplace to empower and influence your people to achieve business and team goals. Connie has proven experience in turning good people into phenomenal leaders. Some benefits your organization will receive from investing in your employee’s growth through the Organizational Leadership Institute include:

  • Increased productivity.
  • Increase Retention.
  • Increase employee engagement.
  • Implement an effective leadership style.
  • More effective Problem Solving
  • Making better decisions

This leadership training is for people at all stages of their leadership journey.

  • New leaders
  • Early to mid-career professionals
  • Executives and directors

“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and HAVING THEM STAY.”

2024-25 Dates

September 10 & 11

October 8 & 9

November 5 & 6

December 10 & 11

January 14 & 15

February 11 & 12

March 11 & 12

April 8 & 9

Deadline for registration: September 1, 2024

SD JAG logo

A portion of the proceeds from this training will go to support JAG South Dakota.

About Connie Schroeder

Known for her expertise in turning good people into phenomenal leaders, business expert Connie Schroeder is a Business Consultant, Trainer/Speaker and Business Coach. With a background in Telecom Corporate Management, 5 years of leading the South Dakota Leadership Academy and 23 years of leading her own staffing business, Connie has a proven reputation for excellence. Her career has allowed her to work with leaders in several industries including telecom, energy, manufacturing, medical, hospitality, legal, retail, construction, financial, automotive, electrical, and many more. Connie is Certified National Trainer though JCI Junior Chamber International. She is passionate about helping her clients grow and develop themselves and their organizations. Connie holds a Masters in Organizational Leadership and is a PhD Candidate in Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Whether she works with you as a business consultant, Trainer or Coach, Connie brings proven techniques to grow the people she works with.

Complete the form below to sign up. Deadline for registration: August 1, 2024

Rapid City Leadership Academy